Dental Sedation

Many patients have had traumatic experiences in dentistry or have other anxieties about their treatment. At Cunnington Dental, Dr. Cunnington strives to meet your individual comfort needs. For our patients with anxiety, sedation dentistry may be the answer. We offer oral (conscious) sedation for our patients.

For decades, people have avoided going to the dentist unless they had a toothache or injury. Why? They don’t go to the dentist because they were afraid of the pain. Well, now you don’t have to worry about painful dentistry. Those days are over. Advances in dental technology and medications have made it possible for Cunnington Dental to provide you the best care in comfort and with little to no pain.

If you are afraid to be put under sedation so that you are asleep and don’t know what’s going on, don’t worry. That is where conscious sedation comes in. With conscious sedation, you are always aware of your surroundings but your senses of sound and smell are reduced, and your sense of pain is also reduced.

What Exactly Is Conscious Sedation?

Conscious sedation is the process of administering sedatives to reduce anxiety and induce relaxation when you are undergoing dental procedures. There are various sedatives that can be administered and which one we choose is based on the procedure to be performed and the duration of the sedative. Some sedatives work quickly and have a short life span. Other sedatives last longer and are more practical for procedures that will take a good amount of time. The sedatives we use can be administered in a variety of ways; by mouth, intravenously or under the tongue.

What Will It Feel Like?

Once you take the medication and it has been given time to take effect, you will notice the difference. You will begin to feel calm and increasingly relaxed. You will be conscious of your surroundings and you will be able to see everything that is happening.

One of the big advantages to conscious sedation is that you can answer our questions as we work on you. The most important positive outcome for oral sedation is that more people will get their teeth taken care of since they will be able to better tolerate the procedures.

What Kind of Medication Is It?

Most dental offices use the benzodiazepines which are sedatives. Included in the class are diazepam, lorazepam, and triazolam. This class of drugs is safe and has a long history. They were developed in the 1960’s. They typically do not have problems with other medications, but you must always tell us what medications you are taking to ensure your safety and the outcome of the procedure.

How Is It Used During the Procedure or Cleaning?

When we begin the procedure or the cleaning, you will know exactly what is going on around you. You will be able to hear us talking, and you will understand what is being said. If you have a problem or want us to stop for a second, you will be able to signal that to us. You will also be able to follow instructions that we give you which makes your cleaning or procedure go more smoothly.

Are there After Effects?

When you have received oral sedation, you may experience some different sensations. You may feel like time moves more quickly. You may also have little memory of the procedure and your time spent in the dentist’s office. You are advised to have someone pick you up, so you don’t have to drive after being sedated. It also decreases your sensation of pain. Don’t put off that procedure you know you need; painful dentistry is dead.

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